
NIH (NIAID) Clinical Trial of Remdesivir to Treat COVID-19 Begins

Randomized, controlled clinical trial to evaluate the safety and efficacy of the investigational antiviral REMDESIVIR in hospitalized adults diagnosed with COVID-19 

  • Remdesivir is an investigational broad-spectrum antiviral treatment with previous testing for treatment for Eboila, MERS and SARS
  • Enrolling hospitalized adults with COVID-19 in Nebraska, Remdesivir vs placebo
  • Participants must have laboratory-confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection and evidence of lung involvement with need for supplemental oxygen, abnormal chest X-rays, requiring mechanical ventilation
  • Will compare (vs. placebo) participant outcomes on day 15  on seven-point scale (fully recovered – death)


Image credit: FDA and NIAID