FDA news and Views: Quality Overall Summary, Third Party Review Metrics, Rogue Online Pharmacies, State of CDER, Warning for illegal, unapproved opioid cessation products – Drug and Device Digest

FDA BRIEF: Week of January 22, 2018

Quality Overall Summary (QOS) of all quality-related information provided in NDA, ANDA, BLA

  • Considering adjustments to QOS format to improve efficiency

CDER new white paper describes key considerations for QOS preparation:

  • Explaining product and process development in a patient-focused context
  • Effectively summarizing the overall control strategy
  • Guiding the regulator through the submission
For information[email protected].


510(k) Third Party Review Metrics

510 (k) Accredited Persons Program created to improve efficiency and timeliness

  • FDA accredits Third Parties to conduct 510(k) primary review
  • Third Party 510(k) submission goes through four different stages
    • Stage A – Reviews sponsor submission and sends recommendation to FDA
    • Stage B – FDA reviews submission to ensure Third Party has submitted
      all information needed to make final decision
    • Stage C (Optional) – Third Party reviews FDA’s request for additional
      information and notifies 510(k) submitter
    • Stage D – FDA reviews additional information and makes final decision.

Accredited Organizations: AABB, CMSI: Center for Measurement Standards of Industria, NYSDOH: New York State Department of Health, NIOM: Nordic Institute of Dental Materials, RTS: Regulatory Technology Services, LLC, TPRG: Third Party Review Group, LLC, TUV: TUV SUD America Inc

Review Metrics:
Capture.JPG READ

Buying from Online Pharmacies

Rogue online pharmacies

  • No valid prescription required
  • Do not have U.S. state-licensed pharmacist to answer questions
  • Low prices seem too good to be true
  • Send spam or unsolicited email offering cheap medicine
  • Located outside of US or ship worldwide.

Sell dangerous products with compromised safety and effectiveness

  • Under dosage or over dosage
  • Incorrect active ingredient
  • Addition of unsafe ingredients
  • Incorrect storage

Shop Safely Online


Capture.JPGPodcast: State of CDER 

Podcast: State of CDER 2018Transcript


FDA, FTC warn companies for selling illegal, unapproved opioid cessation products using deceptive claims

FDA +  FTC joint warning letters to marketers and distributors of 12 opioid cessation products

  • Health fraud for illegally marketing unapproved products with claims about treatment of opioid addiction and withdrawal
  • Products have not been demonstrated to be safe or effective
  • May keep patients from seeking appropriate, FDA-approved therapies
  • Making unsubstantiated therapeutic claims is violation of the Federal Trade Commission Act

 Have requested responses from each of the companies within 15 working days

  • Specific actions taken to address each concern
  • Failure to correct violations may result in law enforcement action such as seizure or injunction


Image credit: FDA







How can you tell if an online pharmacy is operating legally? The U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s BeSafeRx web page can help you identify and avoid rogue online pharmacies.

The FDA has several tips for buying medicines online safely. Read more here.


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