FDA News: Traumatic Brain Injury, MDSAP Pilot, MDUFA III Metrics
FDA BRIEF: Week of September 5, 2016
Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI): FDA Research and Actions
TBI and Unmet Need
- Often caused by bump, blow, jolt, or explosive blast to the head, or a penetrating head injury that disrupts the brain’s normal function
- ~ 2.5 million TBI emergency department visits /year; 30% all injury-related deaths
- Hard to diagnose
- Can cause short- or long-term complications
- Need for sensitive and objective diagnostic methods
FDA Research
- Diagnostic measures of mild TBI
- Studying biomarkers e.g. brain imaging, biofluid, physical indicators such as eye tracking and electroencephalography
FDA Regulations
- Cleared devices to help determine need for imaging following head injury
- Recent approval of ImPACT and ImPACT Pediatric (review) to assess cognitive function following a possible concussion.
- NO cleared medical products intended to specifically diagnose or treat TBI.
FDA Collaboration
- Working with research and clinical community to develop better-designed clinical studies
- Hosted public meeting in March 2016
- Plans to provide recommendations to address challenges in biomarker development
Medical Device Single Audit Program’s Regulatory Authority Council (MDSAP – RAC)
FDA joined MDSAP RAC to participate in pilot
- Envisioned by International Medical Device Regulators Forum (IMDRF)
- In collaboration with Australia, Brazil, Canada, and Japan regulatory authorities
- Enables medical device manufacturers to contract with an MDSAP-authorized Auditing Organization (AO) to conduct a single audit
- Learning Modules posted (Link and Learn )
MDUFA Performance Report
FY 2016 User Fee collections: $137,677,000 (authorized)
Metrics for:
- PMA Originals and Panel Track Supplements
- PMA 180 Day Supplements
- PMA Real Time Supplements
- Pre-Market Report Submissions
- PMA Annual Metrics and Goals
- 510(k) MDUFA III Performance
- 510(k) Annual General Metrics
- Annual Metrics for De Novo Requests
- Pre-Submissions
- CLIA Waiver Annual Metrics
- Investigational Device Exemptions (IDEs)
- Dual (510(k) and CLIA Waiver) Annual Metrics
Internal Training:
- Premarket Reviewer Training
- Leadership Training